Create your My Account with the RCVS

Thank you for your interest in the RCVS.

Please read the following information carefully 

You should only proceed if you meet one of the following criteria:

 - You are a veterinary surgeon wishing to apply to register with the RCVS in order to practise as a veterinary surgeon in the UK

 - You are a veterinary nurse who has qualified outside of the UK and wishes to practise in the UK.

 - You wish to view or complete the ‘Working in the UK’ course held in the RCVS Academy. 

Please note, if you are a veterinary surgeon that studied at a UK veterinary school and you have not yet graduated or you graduated within the last three months then please visit our main website.  

What is the My Account area?

The My Account area is your RCVS portal.

What information do we collect on you?
By signing up for your My account you are providing your consent for the RCVS to process your data for the purposes of administering any courses you choose to take part in and providing you with updates on the RCVS. There will be an opportunity for you to provide individual consent to various updates and emails that are available from the RCVS.

What Personal data do you hold for me?
As part of the sign-up process we will record your:

  • Name,
  • email address
  • and country and year of qualification.

How long do we hold your data for?
We will hold your personal data, on a consent basis for no longer than is necessary and will seek consent on an annual basis. Each year you will be contacted to continue your subscription to the My Account area.
However, if you register with the RCVS in the meantime the RCVS retains your data on a legal obligation basis as part of our statutory duty as the Regulator for the veterinary profession.

How long will I be able to access the My Account Area.
You will be able to access your My Account area for at least one year post sign up and will be contacted to renew your consents on an annual basis. Access to your My Account area will enable you to have access to the course administered by the RCVS Academy.

Right to remove your data
If you no longer want us to hold your personal data, please let us know by emailing [email protected] and we will anonymise your record. Any other data associated with your record will be retained purely statistical purposes.

Further information
For further information on how we store and process data please see the RCVS Privacy Policy.

Creating your password
When creating your password please note the password must meet the following requirements:

a. at least 8 characters,
b. at least 1 number, and
c. at least 1 non alphanumeric character (for example ! £ $)

Your username will need to be unique. We suggest using your email address or something that is memorable to you.

If you need any assistance please email [email protected]

Create your account

The password must be at least 8 characters long.